Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Making Room for baby

Our house seemed big when we bought, but we are finding out really quickly that we need more room. However we are not planning on moving anytime soon.  Today I decided that I needed to start making some rearrangement in our house for our new baby.  Our third bedroom we currently use as our office/guest room. We have to make this now the new baby's room, so that means, cleaning out the closet and putting things in different places.  What a challenge as we really don't have enough room as it is for storage.  I think I have successfully figured out were everything can go, with out filling my garage to the brim.  We still have a lot of work to do, but I feel good at the process I made today.  Next step probably paint!!!


  1. There's never enough storage in AZ. We need our basements back! You can even put more kids in the basement!

  2. I also really miss basements! We had to get rid of so much stuff before Austin was born.
