Friday, August 5, 2011

Wrap up Week

Calleigh and ALL her art projects
28 weeks
Face of baby @28 weeks
This week was busy, but in a good way.  Calleigh finished her art class on Wednesday, and swimming lessons on Thursday.  She really enjoyed her art class, she made so many different things.  She came along way from the very first day of class.  The first day she wouldn't touch anything, and on the last day she was all about the shaving cream and getting it all over her hands and rubbing it all over the table.  We finished up swim lessons for the summer.  She really did well this third time around.  She has absolutely no fear.  I am convinced that if she were to every fall in the water she could get her self out of the water or swim to safety. 

I also had my 28 week appointment this week.  It included another ultrasound, to measure growth and to see if baby's head was down or not.  Everything is good and where it should be.  Got my results back from my glucose test and everything came back good.  So we don't have to worry about that, thank goodness.  Now I start going every two weeks to the doctor, oh how I love to visit the doctor.

Last night Andy and I decided to change Calleigh's crib into its toddler bed.  We weren't sure how it was going to be but she did so great at it.  Yes, she got up a few times but after about 45 minutes she was asleep.  I checked her before I went to bed and she was in her bed.  Andy checked on her this morning and she was sleeping on the floor.  However, he checked on her one more time before he left for work and she was back into her bed.  She also did really well for her nap today, this time it only took her 30 minutes to fall asleep, so we are getting better.  We are so proud of her, she is growing up so fast.